Tuesday, July 17, 2007

30 * 30: ECR Run

Though, lot have been shared and written about the 30 * 30 ECR run, these snaps are flicked from Rams and KKs blog for my archive.

I swear, i am running and NOT posing for a snap

Team listening to instructions from Ram before the run

Photo time before the run

Big thanks to Satish, Abhinav and Satish for their help.

Fabulous team that completed


Unknown said...

Nice Snaps..

We can see you enjoying the runs..

Bhargav said...


Hey Aarthy:

Thanks. Yes it was nice run. I believe all of us enjoyed the run. The weather was kind as well. Chennai Runners are planning to do ECR 30KM's (hmm 28.5KM's) every quarter.