Finally, I managed to watch Sivaji at Satyam Theatres after a long wait. Like usual Rajini movie's, Sivaji is a total time pass with weak story line but unlike others movies, Rajini is made to display his acting skills, though in parts.
First half was supposed to be a comedy with Vivek calling the shots more than Rajini but felt it was quite dragging and Vivek does not seem to have trick rolled over his sleeves. Second half is a refresher and made completely for Rajini fans. It was on the shades of Badsha (famous Rajini movie in early 1990's). Few frames that i feel notable about the movie
1) Introduction of Rajini. He looks really young though appears jaded for rest of the movie
2) Rajini's looks as an European in style song. Definitely interesting
3) Rajini imitation of Sivaji, MGR and Kamalhassan.
4) Style song in second half.
5) Rajini as "Mottai Boss" for last few mins. Rajini rocks here. Fantastic look. Reminiscence of Alex Pandian role from one of his old movies
Definitely worth watching another time.